Wisdom House Covid-19 Precautions and Guidance for in Person Teaching
Wisdom Community CenterWisdom House Covid-19 Precautions and Guidance for in Person Teaching
Our students, staff and visitor safety are our priority and we have put some additional measures in place to ensure you are safe when visiting our campus. When coming into Wisdom House for face to face teaching then these precautions are to be followed by all people who enter.
In addition to government guidelines and guidance we also expect these precautions to be followed:
- These include:
- Automatic no touch hand sanitisers in Reception
- Temperature checks as you come into college
- Directional and one-way systems in place around the whole site
- Clear signage to encourage you to keep left and maintain your distance of ideally 2m apart
- Enhanced regular cleaning across the site
- Hand sanitiser stations across the site
The Policy
- Curriculum bubbles that are marked with colour coded signage and student lanyards
- Classrooms, workshops, public areas set out to meet guidelines for numbers and spacing
- Perspex screens in public face to face areas
- Tutors wearing face shields in classrooms
- Face coverings to be worn around all public areas when on site (you can also wear these in the classroom if you wish to)
- Toilet facilities specifically for each curriculum bubble
- We have also created a student code of conduct that we ask all of our students to read and follow:
- This ‘Code of Conduct’ has been developed to help all people at Wisdom House understand and respect our arrangements for maintaining ‘Social Distancing’ at our sites.
- This Code of Conduct comprises of two parts:
- a) Wisdom House ‘Social Distancing’ standards and expectations
- b) Standards of behaviour expected of all staff and students on site
- Social Distancing Standards and Expectations
Our standards and expectations are explained in detail in our COVID-19 Induction, with the induction covering:
- Travelling to site
- Welfare – what measures are in place to keep 2m apart
- Keeping 2m apart when on site, as far as possible, or 1m with other actions to manage the risks
- Getting around the site – keeping 2m apart when using corridors, toilets etc. Mandatory use of face coverings in communal areas.
- Standards of behaviour
- Successfully complete and comply at all times with all Covid19 – related guidance, including the student Health & Safety induction
- Do not come to Wisdom House if you have a persistent/continuous cough, a loss of smell and/or taste, a high temperature or living with someone who has – report your absence in the normal way but give clear COVID-19 information.
- Keep 2m apart from everyone else in communal areas, including the toilets, canteen, etc.
- To wear masks where 2m distance is not achievable.
- Walk in ‘single file’ to your destination, following the designated routes
- Please no ‘social gathering’ in any area, including outside of Wisdom House – keep 2m apart
- Respect everyone’s space, keep apart
- No hugging or touching will be allowed between students
- Food and drink will be available onsite, but no food or drinks should be shared.
- Students should report anyone they see not adhering to the protocols to a member of staff.
- Be patient, things may take slightly longer than before
- Follow instructions by staff who are there to help you keep ‘social distancing’
- If you leave the site at break times you are still bound by the Code of Conduct, act responsibly,
- maintain social distancing and do not gather in public places
- This will work if we all work together. Anyone not respecting this Code of Conduct may find themselves subject to further action, and being asked to leave the site. Persistent and/or flagrant breaches of the Code of Conduct will be treated under Wisdom House’s disciplinary procedures. This Code of Conduct is in place for your safety and for everyone at Wisdom House.
Get In Touch
Wisdom Community Centre
Location: 168 High Rd, Chadwell Heath, Dagenham, Romford RM6 6LU, United Kingdom
Telephone: 02085973990
Mobile: 07883687099
Email: admin@wcc.co.com